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Discover our useful links and additional resources within this section. If you require any information, please contact our Academy Enquiries email address.

Rob Tarn CBE Chief Executive Officer
Rob Tarn CBE, Chief Executive Officer
Northern Education Trust are outcomes focused, child centred.

We are unswerving in our commitment to ensure that the outcomes our young people secure prepare them fully for life beyond school. Our Academies are happy and thriving communities where children both achieve and feel safe and cared for. As an inclusive Trust we strive to help young people overcome any barrier to learning. We are a caring employer and invest heavily in professional development, allowing our staff opportunities to take the next steps in their career.

We constantly focus on standards as we understand outcomes are paramount. Our decision making is driven entirely by what is best for children. By doing this we enhance the life chances of the children and young people in our care.

Outcomes Focused, Child Centred
Our Social Media

💜 Careers Fayre Day! 💜

Today is the day, we have lots of local employers, apprenticeships and colleges visiting Dyke House to speak to our students about their future options.

Who will you speak to?


Don't forget PROUD tomorrow! We had an incredible number of students return to PROUD last week and we can't wait to see you all again.

What will you bring?

💜 Sensory Enrichment 💜

Our Sensory Enrichment is growing in size. Over the last few weeks, there has been a ‘Cube Off’ competition taking place with our new rubix cubes.

Massive shout out to Aiden M who can complete a rubix cube in 15 seconds!!

💻 Safer Internet Day 📱

Cleveland Police are hosting two webinars on Safer Internet Day to help support parents/carers to ensure their children are kept safe online. The webinars will cover how to recognise online threats, setting parental controls, and how a child can unknowingly be... breaking the law.

Tuesday 11th February 2025

⚽ Middlesbrough College Sports Trials 🏏

During the half term, Middlesbrough College are hosting their Sports Academy Trials. Don't hesitate to get in touch with them if you are interested in going along!

Latest News & Events
Dyke House Academy is a member of Northern Education Trust The Northern Education Trust includes a diverse range of schools across the North of England.

All of our inspected academies are rated GOOD or OUTSTANDING by ofsted.

View our academies