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Welcome from the Principal

It is with great pride that as the Principal I am able to welcome you to Northern Education Trust, Dyke House Academy.

I am aware that lots of our parents and carers will use this website as a way of keeping up to date with the latest news, key information and upcoming events at the academy. I hope that you find it helpful and informative.

I am incredibly passionate about creating an environment that will allow students to thrive and feel safe. I also believe it should be a place where staff feel proud to work and that the local community feel proud of the work we do.

We are openly focused on the educational outcomes of our students and firmly believe that placing the student at the centre of everything we do will ensure that students leave with the best possible grades and that this will help them to go on and achieve wonderful things in life. In order to realise this we must work with our vision in mind at all times:

“We constantly focus on standards as we understand outcomes are paramount. Our decision making is driven entirely by what is best for children. By doing this we enhance the life chances of the children and young people in our care.”

Although we believe that outcomes are paramount, I also believe that schools are a place where children can experience new and exciting opportunities beyond the classroom. Opportunities that develop friendships, leadership, teamwork and other personal qualities. Developing a strong enrichment programme is something that is important to us and I hope that parents and carers share this view also.

We look forward to working with all our parents and carers and I hope that you share our pride in the work that we do.

Dean Cope

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