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  • Rainbow Trust Fundraising Rainbow Trust Fundraising

    Northern Education Trust is delighted to have raised a magnificent £22,680 for the Rainbow Trust children’s charity, through various fund-raising events by all our academies, such as colour fun-runs, quizzes and school fairs.

    Rainbow Trust provides emotional and practical support to families who are caring for a seriously ill child. Their Family Support Workers are a lifeline for a family as they try to navigate the world of hospital appointments and treatments, whilst trying to keep family life as normal as possible. They can spend time with the siblings of the poorly child, allowing parents to concentrate on their seriously ill child, safe in the knowledge that siblings are being looked after by someone they can trust. The Family Support Worker can also give parents a much-needed break, looking after their poorly child while the parents spend valuable time with their other children, or even take some time out to just sit and enjoy a quite cuppa.

    The donation of £22,680 will allow Rainbow Trust to support around 11 families for an entire year.

    Katherine Burgess, Corporate and Community Fundraising Manager for the Rainbow Trust said: “We are so thankful for the support of Northern Education Trust, and thanks to your kind gift, we can continue to provide the best care and support to families so that they do not have to face childhood illness alone.”

    For more information about the Rainbow Trust, look here –

    12:28 pm, 22 November 2024 Published in
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