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Useful Contacts

Academy Leadership Team

The leadership team at Dyke House is made up of the Executive Principal, Principal and Vice Principals (DEEPS).

Mr A Palmer Executive Principal
Mr D Cope Principal
Mr J Hayes Vice Principal
Mr J Almond Vice Principal
Mrs S Stewart Vice Principal


Extended Leadership Team

The Extended Leadership Team also includes all Heads of Department (Leaders of Learning), Head of Literacy and the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Co-ordinator.


Pastoral Structure

The Pastoral Team consists VP (Deep Support) Learning Managers (year team), Inclusion Co-ordinator, PLC Manager, Bridge Manager, Expectations for Learning Administrator, Attendance Administrator.

The Academy pastoral system is based on year groups under the supervision of the Learning Managers (KS3 or KS4). All Students are allocated a Learning Guide group which are run by one or more members of the teaching and associate staff. Attendance, behaviour and safeguarding staff work closely with the VP (Deep Support), pastoral team and Learning Guide to ensure all students are making the best progress in lessons.



Kim Mason
01429 266377

Dyke House Academy is a member of Northern Education Trust The Northern Education Trust includes a diverse range of schools across the North of England.

All of our inspected academies are rated GOOD or OUTSTANDING by ofsted.

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