Pupil premium
The pupil premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. Pupil premium funding is available to both mainstream and non-mainstream schools, such as special schools and pupil referral units. It is paid to schools according to the number of pupils who have been:
Our rationale is that our use of any available Pupil Premium monies will cascade our investment to ensure we raise standards for all pupils, but particularly those children whose families are in receipt of Free School Meals
At Dyke House College the Pupil Premium enables us to, both directly and indirectly, provide a number of additional support and interventions for those pupils highlighted to needing it most.
Additional funding directed through the Pupil Premium grant has strengthened our school’s actions to ensure we demonstrate academic achievement and increase progress outcomes for all. Expectations are high for all pupil groups and individuals. All teaching and learning strategies are designed to meet the needs of individuals and groups. Additional support is integrated into the teaching programme.
Promoting our ethos of inclusion and our dedication to providing pupils with equal opportunity to succeed, irrespective of their socio- economic circumstances. We do not equate deprivation and challenge with low ability. Not all pupils who qualify for the Pupil Premium are socially disadvantaged and not all socially disadvantaged pupils qualify or are registered for Free School Meal benefits. We therefore focus on the needs and levels of progress of all pupils. In providing support we will not socially isolate pupils. Therefore, it is likely that all groups receiving additional support will be a mix of pupils receiving the Pupil Premium allocation and those not entitled to this support.
The Pupil Premium will support children through investment in personal development. Strategies and interventions are implemented to ensure the personal and academic development of all pupils. This will improve attendance, maintain high standards of behaviour, and ensure the development of pupils attitudes and personal qualities.
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