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  • Northern Education Trust partners with Smoothwall to create an Online Safety Hub for parents and carers. Northern Education Trust partners with Smoothwall to create an Online Safety Hub for parents and carers.

    Children today are growing up in an increasingly online world and it is essential that we are doing all that we can to support and guide their digital journey. At Northern Education Trust we are committed to ensuring that our students are always protected online and we recognise that in order to support our students in their technology journey, it is crucial we work together with parents and carers to create a positive digital environment.

    Northern Education Trust has partnered with Smoothwall to create a free Online Safety Hub for parents and carers to help keep their children safe online. Smoothwall is a system used by the trust to monitor the content our students access and digitally safeguard against any dangers or risks.

    The Online Safety Hub offers an abundance of expert advice and guidance to help parents and carers manage their child’s safety online. It also includes information on several topics when it comes to keeping children safe, such as how to manage your child’s screen time, understand the latest gaming platforms and what they mean for your child’s safety.

    Smoothwall is also offering parents and carers a free Qustodio account which allows you to facilitate parental controls on any two devices, and free premium access for 30 days from registration. Qustodio is an app, and can also be downloaded onto computers and laptops, and allows you to gain more visibility on what is going on in your child’s online world. You will be able to block dangerous content, introduce screen-free schedules, receive alerts for inappropriate content, keep tabs on their location and more. For more information and to create your free account follow the link below:

    The Online Safety Hub can be accessed via the link or the QR code below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch: [email protected]

    10:55 am, 21 November 2023 Published in
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